- Official web site:http://www.starxpert.fr/openoffice-org-libreoffice/extensions/#multidiff
- Source code:http://www.starxpert.fr/openoffice-org-libreoffice/extensions/#multidiff
- License: LGPLv3
Multidiff est un outil de diffusion qui offre la possibilité d’exporter le document courant sous plusieurs formats simultanément. La diffusion se fait soit par enregistrement dans un répertoire accessible à d’autres utilisateurs, soit par envoi de mail.
- Edit
Users of MultiDiff
List of Locals Governments using MultiDiff.
Reviews for MultiDiff
Use cases for MultiDiff software
No use case declared by local governments in business mapping for MultiDiff software.
Testimonials for MultiDiff
List of testimonials for MultiDiff.
No testimony for MultiDiff
Service providers for MultiDiff
Users providing at least one service for MultiDiff.
No service provider for MultiDiff.
Screenshots of MultiDiff
Gallery of screenshots for MultiDiff.
No screenshot for MultiDiff.
Working well with MultiDiff
List of softwares working well with MultiDiff.
See all softwares working well with MultiDiff
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Alternative to MultiDiff
List of softwares proposing an alternative to MultiDiff.
No alternative to MultiDiff.