- Official web site:https://datarhei.github.io/restreamer/
- Source code:https://github.com/datarhei/restreamer
- License: Apache License 2.0
Solution d'auto-hébergement pour diffuser en direct sur votre site Web et publier sur de nombreuses plateformes comme YouTube-Live, Twitter, Twitch, Vimeo et d'autres plateformes ou services. Notre Docker-Image est facile à installer et fonctionne sur les environnements Linux (MacOS/Windows par Docker Desktop). De plus, combinez le Restreamer avec des ordinateurs monocarte comme le Raspberry Pi ou des systèmes alimentés par GPU pour l'encodage vidéo.
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Users of Restreamer
List of Locals Governments using Restreamer.
Reviews for Restreamer
Use cases for Restreamer software
No use case declared by local governments in business mapping for Restreamer software.
Testimonials for Restreamer
List of testimonials for Restreamer.
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Service providers for Restreamer
Users providing at least one service for Restreamer.
No service provider for Restreamer.
Screenshots of Restreamer
Gallery of screenshots for Restreamer.
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Working well with Restreamer
List of softwares working well with Restreamer.
There are no project for Restreamer
Alternative to Restreamer
List of softwares proposing an alternative to Restreamer.
No alternative to Restreamer.