The COMPTOIR DU LIBRE is a service of
  • Compute Web App

    * * * * 0/4 ( No evaluation, yet )
  • Official web site:
  • Source code:
  • License: GNU aGPL v3
  • Compute Web App (ou CWA) est un logiciel web conçu pour distribuer et exécuter des traitements de données intensifs en parallèle et sur plusieurs machines. Chaque instance s’occupe d’une partie des données d’entrée et CWA peut ainsi gérer efficacement des tailles de données pouvant atteindre quelques pétaoctets (1000 téraoctets), utile pour l’IRM quantitative, par example.

    Compute Web App (or CWA) is a web software designed to distribute and run intensive parallel data processing on several machine. Each instance can handle a part of input data and thus CWA is able to efficiently handle data sizes up to petabytes (1000 terabytes), useful for quantitative MRI, for instance.

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Users of Compute Web App

See all declared users of Compute Web App
  1. Person

    Bruno Martin

Use cases for Compute Web App software

No use case declared by local governments in business mapping for Compute Web App software.

Testimonials for Compute Web App

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Service providers for Compute Web App

No service provider for Compute Web App.

Screenshots of Compute Web App

No screenshot for Compute Web App.

Working well with Compute Web App

There are no project for Compute Web App

Alternative to Compute Web App

No alternative to Compute Web App.