- Official web site:https://shotcut.org/
- Source code:https://github.com/mltframework/shotcut
- License: GNU GPLv3
Shotcut est un logiciel libre de montage vidéo multiplateforme pour Windows, MacOS, et GNU/Linux. Le projet a été démarré en 2011 par Dan Dennedy. Shotcut utilise le moteur de montage vidéo MLT Media Lovin' Toolkit.
Principales caractéristiques :
- prise en charge d'un large éventail de formats ;
- aucune importation n'est requise ;
- compatible Blackmagic Design ;
- résolution à 4k. - Edit
Use cases for SHOTCUT software
Use cases of libre software SHOTCUT
declared by local governments in business mapping:
- Business · Family / Childhood / Education / Schooling
- Generic · Multimedia
- Generic · Office automation
Testimonials for SHOTCUT
List of testimonials for SHOTCUT.
No testimony for SHOTCUT
Service providers for SHOTCUT
Users providing at least one service for SHOTCUT.
See all service providers of SHOTCUT
Screenshots of SHOTCUT
Gallery of screenshots for SHOTCUT.
No screenshot for SHOTCUT.
Working well with SHOTCUT
List of softwares working well with SHOTCUT.
There are no project for SHOTCUT
Alternative to SHOTCUT
List of softwares proposing an alternative to SHOTCUT.
No alternative to SHOTCUT.