The COMPTOIR DU LIBRE is a service of
  • OpenNMS

    * * * * 4/4 ( for 1 participant )
  • Official web site:
  • Source code:
  • License: GNU aGPL v3
  • OpenNMS is an open-source solution that helps you visualize and monitor everything on your local and remote networks. It offers comprehensive fault, performance, traffic monitoring, and alarm generation in one place. Highly customizable and scalable, OpenNMS easily integrates with your core business applications and workflows.

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Users of OpenNMS

See all declared users of OpenNMS
  1. Administration

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Use cases for OpenNMS software

Use case of libre software OpenNMS
declared by local governments in business mapping:

Testimonials for OpenNMS

Testimonials for OpenNMS
  1. Alès Agglomération

    * * * * 4/4


    Une solution complète robuste et stable.

    Nous avons commencé par une autre solution open source basée sur un assemblage de nombreux outils opensource : nous avons été confronté à des difficultés de maintenance et de mises à jour. Après des recherches OpenNMS est apparu comme une solution mature, robuste et stable. Aujourd'hui nous nous en servons pour la supervision des actifs réseau mais OpenNMS est capable de faire aussi la surveillance d'applications web.

Service providers for OpenNMS

No service provider for OpenNMS.

Screenshots of OpenNMS

No screenshot for OpenNMS.

Working well with OpenNMS

There are no project for OpenNMS

Alternative to OpenNMS

No alternative to OpenNMS.