GLPI Plugin:Escalation
- Official web site:https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/escalation
- Source code:https://github.com/ddurieux/glpi_escalation
- License: GNU aGPL v3
Escalation plugin work on tickets: disable mode multi technicians and multi technicians groups, manage escalade workflow from one technician group to another.
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Users of GLPI Plugin:Escalation
List of Locals Governments using GLPI Plugin:Escalation.
Reviews for GLPI Plugin:Escalation
Use cases for GLPI Plugin:Escalation software
No use case declared by local governments in business mapping for GLPI Plugin:Escalation software.
Testimonials for GLPI Plugin:Escalation
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Service providers for GLPI Plugin:Escalation
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Screenshots of GLPI Plugin:Escalation
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Working well with GLPI Plugin:Escalation
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Alternative to GLPI Plugin:Escalation
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