The COMPTOIR DU LIBRE is a service of
  • LogStash

    * * * * 0/4 ( No evaluation, yet )
  • Official web site:
  • Source code:
  • License: Apache License 2.0
  • Logstash est un outil informatique de collecte, analyse et stockage de logs. Il est généralement associé avec ElasticSearch, moteur de recherche distribué, et kibana, interface d'ElasticSearch. Logstash est capable d'intégrer une multitude de sources simultanément.

  • Tags :
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Users of LogStash

See all declared users of LogStash
  1. Administration

    Programme Vitam

  2. Person

    Abdoul Aziz

  3. Administration


Use cases for LogStash software

No use case declared by local governments in business mapping for LogStash software.

Testimonials for LogStash

No testimony for LogStash

Service providers for LogStash

See all service providers of LogStash
  1. Company


  2. Company


  3. Company


Screenshots of LogStash

No screenshot for LogStash.

Working well with LogStash

There are no project for LogStash

Alternative to LogStash

No alternative to LogStash.